Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ayyaani WBO Bara 2014 Biyya UK Milkiin Xumurame

Ayyaani WBO Bara 2014 Biyya UK Milkiin Xumurame

Posted: Amajjii/January 28, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments (1)
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO – London
Ayyanni kun gaafa Amajjii 25, 2014 biyya UK, magaalaa London keessatti kabajame ayyana kana irratti kan hirmaata miseensota ABO, deggartootaa fi hawaasa Oromoo biyya UK magala adda adda irraa  heddumminaan dhufan ture.
Kabajaan ayyana kanaa kan eegale manguddoo fi ibsa gabaabaa I/G ABO kutaa UK, Obbo barsiisaa Guutamaa kennanii ture. Itti annasee, Obbo Xahaa Abdii, MGS ABO, seenaa guyyaa WBO bal’inaan ibsaniiru. Itti annansee miseensotni WBO kabajamoon- J/ Lalisee Roobaa, J/ Obsaa Milkeessaa fi J/ Fayisaa (Mul’is) wal duraa duubaan muuxannoo WBO fi aarsaa qabsoon hidhannoo feessisu dhiheessuu dhan dargaggoo fi shammarran hamileessanii jiru.
J/ Abdii Raggaasaa, mataan Damee Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo, karaa bilbilaa irratti qooda fudhataniiru. Bara 2013 keessaa sagantaalee WBOn baafatee fi tarkaanfiilee fudhataman; injifannoo WBO galmeesse ibsuu dhan waan qabatamaatti WBOn diina waliin falmii godhaa jiru addeessaniiru. Sochiin WBO goddinalee Oromiyaa mara keessaa fi handhuura Oromiyaa, magaalaa Finifinnee, keessatti tarkaanfiileen fudhataman diinaaf raffanna guddaa yeroo tahu, ummata oromoof abdii guddaa akka kenne ibsaniiru. Wagga dhufu keessa WBOn daran jabaatee hanga bilisummaan Oromoo fi walabummaan Oromiyaa dhugoomutti akka itti fufu hubachiisanii, Kanaaf ummatni Oromoo deeggarsa isaa daran akka jabeessu hubachiisan.
Itti annee Obbo Siifan Midhaqisaa, ilaalcha dhaaba siyaasaa alaatti, akka gaazexxeessaa tokkootti sochii qeerroo fi WBO biyya keessaatti godhamaa jiruuf maal akka fakkatuu fi hangama akka diina rifachiise ragaa bahaniiru. Sagantaan addatti WBOf qophaawe shamarran Oromoo London kennaa aaddaa (special surprise gift) qopheessuu dhan WBOf kennaniiru; jaalala WBO qabanii fi fedhii deeggarsa bilisummaa Oromoof qaban ibsaniiru. Sagantaa caal baasii fi tinnisaa ta’ee ummatni Oromoo biyyaa UK maalla guddaa WBOf gummachaniru.
Dhuma irratti ibsa ejjennoo armaa gadii bafatuun ayyanni WBO bara 2014 milkii, injifannoo fi hamilee guutuun kabajame.
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO – London
Nuti misensonni ABO, deggartoonni fi hawaasi Oromoo biyya UK magaala adda adda irra ayyaana guyya WBO kabajachuuf wal geenye haala keessa dabarree fi itti deemaa jirru gadi fageenyaa fi bal’inan irraatti mari’anne jirra.
Haala yeeo amma ilaalchise
Yeeron amma keessa jirru, gama tokkon yeero mootummaan abba irree TPLFn durfamu sodaa ummata Oromoof qabu irra  ummaticha addatti akka diina innikkatti fudhata ajjeesaa, qe’ee isaa irraa arii’aa, seera ala; yaakka tokko malee mana hidhaatti dararama  ulfaataa dhala namaaf hin-malle irran geessisaa, baratoota qaroa fi egeree Oromoof bu’aa buusuu danada’u jedhaman ajjeesaa hidhaa, barumsaa irraa ar’aa,  kaan ammoo  qabsoo irra fageessuuf  doorsisaa jiru. Kana malees  humnoonni duran angoo irra turan ammas angootti ol-ba’uuf shira ifa  fi lafa jalaan nurraatti xaxaa jiraan keessa jirra.
Gama biraan ammo qabsoon ummata Oromoo daran dagaagaa tarkaannifin WBO daran jabaachaa, dammaqinsi fi gurmuun Oromoo dabalaa, qabsoon ummata Oromoo fi ummatoota cunqurfamoo biyyatti daran dhageetti argachaa, keessi mootumma Wayyanee daran tasgabbii dhabga, boora’aa adeemaa jira, Qeerroon Oromoo, murannoo dhan mootummaa amma funyaanitti hidhate dura dhaabachaa fi qabsoo saba isaaniitiif wareegama kamiyyuu baasuuf qophi ta’u mirkaneessaa jiran.
Halleen armaan olitti ka’faman gadi fageenyaan erga irraatti mar’annea booda nuti misensonni ABO, degartootnii fi hawaasi Oromoo biyya UK  ibsa ejjennoo armaan gadi baafanne jirra:
1. Haala rakkisa fi ulfaata ta’e keessatti mootummaa amma funyanii itti hidhate, afaan qawween ummata keenya irratti roorrisaa jiru dhabamsiisuf fi dararaa jarra tokko-ol ummata keenya irra ture hundeen buqqisuuf qabsoo hidhannoo ABOn gageeffamaa jiru keessatti qooda ol’anaa gochaa kan jiru, WBO ni mararffanna, muranno fi injifannoo WBO tiin godhamaa jiru ni dinqisiifanna, waan dandeenyun  bira ni dhaabbanna.
2. Sochi baratooni Oromoo QEERRON haraka du’uwwa mootumma amma funyanitti hidhate dura dabatanii falama mirga ummata Oromoof gocha jiran ni dinqisifanna, itti boonnas. Fincila didda gabrummaa bifa adda addatiin  biyya keessaa fi alatti adeemsifamaa  jiru ni deggarra, qooda keenyas ni gumaachina.
3. Moora qabsoo Oromoo jabeessun galma hawwamu shafisiisu keessatti haala gurmuu fi wal-hubannoo dhaabota siyaasaa Oromoo fi hawasa Oromoo murtessaa ta’uu beekne nutis  kara kenya waan nurraa eegamu ni gumaachina.
4. Qabsoo ummata tokko keessati qoodni shamarranni fi dargaggoo bakka guddaa qabaachuu beekne haala shamarran fi dargaggoota   Oromoo jabeessinuu fi ijaarru irratti ni hojjenna.
5. Sadarkaan qabsoon Oromoo irra ga’e hirriba kan isaan dho’wwe diinnonni qabasoo Oromoo ammayyuu qabsa’ota Oromoo addan babasuuf carraqii gochaa akka jiran ni hubanna; duras ni dhaabbanna. Ummatni Oromoos bakka jiru akka sochi diinotaa kana dura dhabatu fi sochi isaanis damaqinsan hordofu fi fashalsiisu dhaamsa keenya dabarfanna.
6. Mootumma TPLF bu’ureffama isa irra ka’e mootumman kun kara naga a’ango ni lakkisa jedhanii yaaduun kan hin-danda’amne ta’u isa ni hubanna. Kanaafis dhaabota kara nagaa ni qabsofna jedhaniif haalli ammaan dura isaan mudate ragaa quubsaa dha. Biyya ol-antumman seeraa kessaatti hin-kabajamne, manni murtii bilisa hin taane; biyya komishinni filannoo walaba ta’e fi meeshaan sab-quunnamti mootumma abba-irrettin dhunfatame jiru keessaatti filannoo walabaa gaggeessun tasa akka hin danda’amne irra deddbi’e waan mul’ataa tureef filannoo sobaa maqa ummatootatiin ammas mootummaan abban irree aangoo irra ittiin turuus  bara dhuftu ni deemsifama jedhamu kana irras Oromoon bu’an inni argatu tokkoyyu akka hin-jirre beeke filmaata dharaa kana haala ittin dura dhaabbattu irraati ammumaan akka yaadnu waamicha keenya dabarfanna.
7. Qabsoo haqaa ummatni keenya adeemsisaa jiru, akka firoota horatu gochuu keessatti hubannoo hawaasaa fi mootummaan biyya UK caalatti ol-kaasuaf ni hojjenna, deggarsa barbaachisu ummata keenyaaf akka godhan qabsoo haqa ummata keenya cinaa akka hiriirani gochuu irratti ni hojjenna.
8. Duula farren ummata Oromoo fi cunqurfamoo biyyatti,  amma ille Minilikiin farasaa jiraniin madaa ummata keenya utuu hin-qoorin ammas deeb’ani nutti bubu’a jiran ni balaleffanna.
9. Maqaa investmenti jedhamuun dacheen Oromoo samaamun, Oromoon dachee isa irra buqifamuun, bosonnii fi garreen ibiddaan  barbadeeffamuun; lageen keenya summaa’un hattattamaan akka dhaabbatu ni gaafanna. Ogeeyyiin Oromos bakka jiran hundatti dhimma kana irraatti daran akka hojettan dhaamsa lammumma dabarfanna.
10. Dhaabni kallacha qabsoo Oromoo, Addi Bilisumma Oromo, halla amma keessa jirru; haala fuula keenya dura  as adeema jiruu  fi haala amma dura nu mudatani irraa muuxxannoo argame irraatti hunda’udhan xiinxala jabaa akka godhu jabeesinee gaafacha nutis akka miseensota dhaabaa, yookan hawasaa akkasumas akka nam-tokkootti bakka jirru hundatti murannoon hojechuun waan dandeenyu hunda gumachuuf BO kara dandeenyu hundan deggarsa lammumma nurra eegamu baasuuf waada keenya ni haromfanna.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Gadaan gadaa bilsummaa ti!
Miseensota ABO, Degertoota fi Hawasa Oromoo biyya UK
Amajjii 25, 2014
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London
Guyyaa WBO - London

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Subject: The killings of 59 Oromo men, women and children, the wounding of 42 others, the confiscation of property and the forcible removal of people from their ancestral land in eastern Ethiopia

Subject: The killings of 59 Oromo men, women and children, the wounding of 42 others, the confiscation of property and the forcible removal of people from their ancestral land in eastern Ethiopia

January 17, 2014
The Honorable John F. Kerry
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street N.W.
Washington, DC20520
Subject: The killings of 59 Oromo men, women and children, the wounding of 42 others, the confiscation of property and the forcible removal of people from their ancestral land in eastern Ethiopia
Dear Mr. Secretary,
I am writing this letter on behalf of the Oromo Studies Association, an independent scholarly, multi-disciplinary, non-profit organization based in North American.  My purpose is to bring to your attention and to protest on behalf of the members of OSA a crime committed against the Oromo in Eastern Ethiopia, that is, the killings of 59 Oromo men, women and children, the wounding of 42 others and the confiscation/destruction of property with an estimated value of Eth$14,726,000 in the eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia. These acts of extreme and unprovoked violence, killings, violent wounding, burning of houses and confiscation of cattle and other property of the Oromo citizens in eastern Oromia zone, were committed by Ethiopian government-trained special Somali militia forces known as “Liyu Police” (translation: Special Police Force).  The Ethiopian regime arms Somali in that region while disarming Oromo farmers. These actions of deliberately arming one people while equally deliberately disarming the other and, thus, by creating conflict between formerly closely related people – groups who have lived peacefully as neighbors for centuries – goes beyond abdicating governmental responsibility. It is a heinous crime that this government commits against peoples within its jurisdictional borders. The world regards these victims as citizens of Ethiopia, but they are being seriously mistreated with no proper defense available.
In the past several months, there has been a new wave of killing of Oromo nationals in particular who reside in the eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia. Targeted Oromo victims suffer also the confiscation of their property and removal by the thousand of residents from their ancestral lands. This is a miserable new policy which constitutes nothing less than a strategy for creating a blood feud between the two culturally related people, namely, the Oromo and Somali in eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia. In the sacred land of their birth, Oromo children, women and unarmed men are killed systematically by Ethiopian government Special Police forces. Once the slaughter is completed, these government-equipped forces then callously deny their victims even decent burial, which, in itself, is a crime against humanity.
The Ethiopian government is responsible for inflicting a great deal of harm and damage on defenseless Oromo peasants through this practice of arming Somali against disarmed Oromo farmers by building special police force comprised of Somalis. This appears to be a continuation of the callously inhuman policy of the Ethiopian regime that led to the removal of Oromo peasants from seven major ancestral regions covering extensive territories in the eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia. Most OSA members are Oromo Americans, who closely follow events in the region and whose findings are confirmed by the reports of pain and suffering of their families – mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, relatives and friends – who were killed, wounded and displaced, and whose livelihood was destroyed by Ethiopian government Special Police forces made up of Somali armed by the regime.
The Oromo Studies Association, OSA, was established 26 years ago by international scholars from around the globe to promote studies related and relevant to the Oromo and other peoples in the Horn of Africa. In its attempt to create academic forums where ideas and research findings about the Oromo and other people of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa are freely discussed, OSA has established a peer-reviewed Journal of Oromo Studies, other periodic publications, as well as organizing regular mid-year and annual conferences. OSA has been involved in building a knowledge base for creating a democratic future for the peoples of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. In our scholarly organization Somali and Oromo scholars work together. The Journal of Oromo Studies publishes research papers on Somali studies. Our goal is to strengthen historical relations between the two related peoples.
You may be surprised to learn that Oromia, the Oromo regional state in Ethiopia, is the largest, the richest and the most densely populated regional state in Ethiopia. Because the Oromo constitute the single largest national group in Ethiopia – and in the entire region – they are regarded as the greatest threat to the ruling minority group, dominated by members historically affiliated with the Tigrayan Liberation Front (TPLF). The current government is dominated by Tigrayans persons whose ethnicity represents less than seven percent of the population of Ethiopia. Current Ethiopian government policies, which target populations on the basis of ethnicity, are best understood in light of a history of ethnic politics and ethnic discrimination. Arming Somalis to destroy Oromo in order to confiscate their lands and other resources continues ethnic politics in its most brutal form.
Oromo do not have powerful friends in the western world who bring the injustices that they suffer to the attention of international community. The Oromo Studies Association requests that you respond to our voice as a voice of conscience uttered to the international community. We urge that you immediately put pressure on the Ethiopian regime to desist from driving Oromo out their ancestral land in eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia. We request that the State Department under your able leadership look into this critical matter take effective action while there is time to reverse a criminal policy and save the lives and livelihood of vulnerable populations in Eastern Ethiopia.
In the light of the issue raised which is only the most recent of an ongoing series of violent attacks on Oromo farmers in eastern Oromia zone during 2013, the Oromo Studies Association (OSA) urgently requests that the State Department utilize its good offices to seek justice by putting pressure on the Ethiopian government to:
• Stop immediately the Liyu Police attacks on Oromo farmers in the eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia.
• Return, without delay, those who were forcibly driven from their ancestral lands in eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia.
• Bring to speedy trial those who ordered the Liyu Police force to attack, killing 59 defenseless Oromo children, men and women and wounding 42 others while confiscating or destroying property estimated at Eth$14,726,000.
• Pay compensation for the lives lost and the property confiscated from those defenseless Oromo farmers in eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia.
• Urge the Ethiopian government officials to stop the forcible removal of thousands of Oromo farmers from their ancestral lands in eastern Oromia zone of Ethiopia and make sure that such measures will never be repeated in Oromia or other parts of Ethiopia.
• Advise the leaders of the Ethiopian government to abandon the cruel and crude policy of disarming Oromo while unleashing the special police force on defenseless children, men and women.
• Strongly urge the leaders of the Ethiopian government to respect and implement the provisions in their own Constitution, which officially guarantees respect for human rights and democratic governance.
The Oromo Studies Association requests that the State Department, under your leadership, set an example by taking the above measures in a timely fashion.
You have an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference in the lives of millions of Oromo and other people in Ethiopia. Our scholarly association appreciates your good efforts in this regard.
Ibrahim Elemo, President
Oromo Studies Association
P.O.Box: 6541
Minneapolis, MN 55406-0541
Ambassador Girma Birru
Embassy of FDRE, Washington, D.C
3506 International Drive, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General
Office of the Secretary General of United Nations
885 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017, USA
Mr. David Cameron, Prime Minister of UK
10 Downing Street, London, UK
The Hon. Tony Abbott, MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House

Thousands of ONLF, OLF and Somalis protest against Ethiopian delegates

Thousands of ONLF, OLF and Somalis protest against Ethiopian delegates

January 19, 2014
Thousands of Ogaden National Liberation Front and Oromo Liberation Front protested against a delegation from Ethiopian government on Saturday.This comes after cash-strapped Ethiopian Regime sent delegates to United Kingdom for fundraising for its Nile water dam construction project.
The protesters were shouting in a loud voice down,down Woyane down and waving banners that refers the Ethiopian government as a terrorist state.
The protesters stopped the Ethiopian delegation to hold a meeting in a hotel near Ethiopian Embassy to London.
Opposition sources say, the delegates led by Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen were accompanied with Ethiopian-appointed Somali Regional President of Abdi mohamoud Omar aka Abdi Iley and members from the federal government that became got bogged down with waves of anger protesters.
The British police did not disperse the protesters that have been chanting anti-Woyane slogans since they were well organized and non-violent protesters,this follows after the main Ethiopian oppositions held a conference in Germany last week,in which the Allied Forces of Somali Politicians, ONLF,OLF, and members from Eritrea diaspora vowed to topple the Ethiopian regime which they regard as “an illegal government”.
However,the groups of Ogaden National liberation Front and Oromo Liberation Front allied against TPLF-Led of Ethiopian Regime and both of these groups are Independence seeking movements that have been fighting for the full independence of Oromia and Ogaden Region for the last three decades.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New report calls on Ethiopia to reform repressive anti-terror law

New report calls on Ethiopia to reform repressive anti-terror law

kalittiVIENNA, Jan 14, 2014 (IPI) – Ethiopia’s use of sweeping anti-terrorism law to imprison journalists and other legislative restrictions are hindering the development of free and independent media in Africa’s second largest country, according to a report published today by the International Press Institute (IPI).
Dozens of journalists and political activists have been arrested or sentenced under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation of 2009, including five journalists who are serving prison sentences and who at times have been denied access to visitors and legal counsel. The report, “Press Freedom in Ethiopia”, is based on a mission to the country carried out in November by IPI and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).
“Despite a strong constitutional basis for press freedom and freedom of information, the Ethiopian government has systematically used the anti-terrorism law to prosecute and frighten journalists, which has put a straight-jacket on the media,” IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie said. “Our joint mission also found a disturbing pattern of using other measures to control the press and restrict independent journalism, including restrictions on foreign media ownership and the absence of an independent public broadcaster.”
The report urges the Ethiopian government to free journalists convicted under the sedition provisions of the 2009 measure. These journalists include Solomon Kebede, Wubset Taye, Reyot Alemu, Eskinder Nega and Yusuf Getachew. Mission delegates were barred access to the journalists, who are being held at Kaliti Prison near the capital Addis Ababa.
The report urges the 547-member lower house of parliament to revamp the anti-terror law to ensure that it does not trample on the rights of freedom of speech and assembly provided under Article 29 of the Ethiopian Constitution and further guaranteed under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights and the U.N. Human Rights Covenant, which Ethiopia has ratified.
In addition, the report:
- Recommends that Ethiopian lawmakers review laws that bar foreign investment in media, measures that inhibit the development of an economically viable and diversified market.
- Urges the courts to ensure that rulings restrict press freedom only in cases of intentional incitement or clear participation in acts of terrorism, and that judges act independently to protect the public’s right to be informed about political dissent and acts of terrorism.
- Urges Ethiopia’s journalists and media owners to step up cooperation to improve professionalism and independence, and to form a unified front to defend press freedom.
The joint IPI/WAN-IFRA mission was carried from Nov. 3 to 6, just ahead of the African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF) in Addis Ababa. The organisations’ representatives met with more than 30 editors, journalists, lawyers, politicians and bloggers, as well as associates of the imprisoned journalists. The delegation also held meetings with the ambassadors of Austria and the United States, a senior African Union official, an Ethiopian lawmaker and government spokesman Redwan Hussien.
The organisations urged Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn to free the imprisoned journalists, some of whom are suffering from deteriorating health. In a joint statement issued immediately following the mission, IPI and WAN-IFRA also expressed their commitment to helping improve the professionalism, quality and independence of journalism in Ethiopia.
While the report highlights a long history of press freedom violations in Ethiopia, including a crackdown on journalists and opposition politicians following the country’s 2005 national elections, it notes that the 2009 anti-terrorism law has given the government expansive powers.
“The 2009 anti-terrorism law gave new powers to the government to arrest those deemed seditious, including journalists who step beyond the bounds of politically acceptable reporting or commentary,” the report says. “Armed with statutory authority, the government has not shied from using the laws to bludgeon opposition figures and journalists. Dozens of journalists have been imprisoned or accused of sedition or fomenting unrest, forcing many to flee the country.”
The report notes other forms of pressure by the government. Independent journalists recalled being the target of smear campaigns by state-run media, while editors recounted that managers of the government-run printing press refused to print editions of newspapers containing controversial articles.
The report does note positive developments, such as the growth in advertising and readership for some of the country’s leading independent newspapers. Journalists and newspaper publishers also expressed a desire to improve professionalism, quality and solidarity; although they added that government pressure and laws continue to create hurdles to self-regulation and cooperation.
“We came away from Ethiopia recognising the tremendous potential for a highly competitive, professional and successful media market in Ethiopia,” Bethel McKenzie said. “But to make this happen, the Ethiopian government must remove the roadblocks, starting with the release of imprisoned journalists and then conduct a thorough review of the laws to ensure that reporting on legitimate criticism or dissent is not grounds for prosecution.”
Source: International Press Institute

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ethiopia: A Call for an End to the Endless Violence against Oromo Nationals

Ethiopia: A Call for an End to the Endless Violence against Oromo Nationals

HRLHA FineHRLHA Press Release
January 12, 2014
In the past twenty two years, the peoples of Ethiopian and the outside world have witnessed the EPRDF Government’s incarceration of hundreds of thousands of Oromo Nationals from all walks of life in jails, unofficial detention centers and concentration camps simply for allegedly being members or supporters of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), whom the ruling party has deemed a terrorist group, and some other opposition political organizations. Due to the inappropriate and inhuman treatments by the government security members, hundreds of Oromos died, suffered from physical disabilities resulting from tortures, and most of those who were taken to court were given harsh sentences including life in prison and capital punishments or death penalty. Oromo intellectuals, Businessmen, and the members of legally operating Oromo parties (for example the Oromo People`s Congress (OPC) and Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM)) have been among the victims of the EPRDF/TPLF Government’s suppressive political system. The most worrisome is that the Oromo youth, who were even born after the EPRDF/TPLF government came to power, have become the major victims of the Government’s brutalities under the same allegations of supporting and/or sympathizing with Oromo opposition political organizations. In the past decade or so, thousands of young Oromo students of universities, colleges, high schools and intermediate academic institutions have been criminalized for allegedly being member or sympathizers of the Oromo Libration Front. A lot of them have killed, tortured, and thousands are still languishing behind bars, while thousands others have been banned from being part of any level of educational opportunities; and, as a result, have became jobless, homeless, etc. Tenth of thousands have fled their homeland and become refugees in neighboring countries.
In the same manner and for the same reasons, the most recent cases of arrests and imprisonments have taken place in Gujjii Zone of Oromia State. According to the HRLHA’s informant in Gujii, more than 45 Oromo nationals have been arrested by the Federal police forces without court warrant at different times since August 25, 2013 to December 2013. This was mainly in the districts of Gorodolo, Girja and Bore of Guji Zone. Most of the victims of these most recent extrajudicial actions have reportedly been taken a detention centre in Negele Town. Victims of this particular operation include members of the legally operating opposition Oromo political party of the Federalist Congress (OFC), as well as high school teachers, students of elementary and high schools, college and university students in various parts of the Guji Zone.
According to reports obtained by HRLHA, on August 25, 2013, the federal police arrested 8 college students from Harekello Town in Goro-Dola district; and on the following day, police searched houses of many residents of the town without court warrant, and arrested another 3 more people. Among them was a high school teacher called Gobena Gemeda. The alleged reason for the arrest, detention, and search of homes in this particular campaign was the distribution and posting of leaflets in the town with contents condemning the discrimination of the government against the Guji Oromos. Among those who were arrested and detained, 6 people, including kedir A/bundha, Gobena Gemeda and Shako Bura were released after a week; while the following five students are still in detention center in Negele Prison, according to the information HRLHA has obtained.
1Galgalo ChulukeMNegele Vocational College
2Khoraarayu KancMArdayita Agricultural College
3Ejersa ShakoMNegele Health College
4Nanno ChamariMGrade Ten
5Xume ShankoFGrade Ten
The legally registered Oromo Federalist Congress ( OFC) officials and cadres, who were genuinely working for their people on behalf of their party, were also accused of allegedly being sympathizers of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and arrested in Adolla town in Gujii and in Bule Hora district of Borana Zone. Among them was Mr. Borama Jano, elected parliament member from the districts of Bore and Anna-Sorra. He was arrested on November 15, 2013, and is still detained at Adolla Police Station. Two OFC organizing cadres – Mr Hirbaayyee Galgalo and Uturaa Adulaa – were arrested in Bulehora Wereda of Borena Zone in December 2013.
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) expresses its deep concern over the safety and well-being of these Oromo nationals who have been picked up arbitrarily from different places at different times and are being held at various detention centers. The Ethiopian government has a well-documented record of gross and flagrant violations of human rights, including the torturing of its own citizens who were suspected of supporting, sympathizing with and/or being members of the opposition political organizations. There have been credible reports of physical and psychological abuses committed against individuals in Ethiopian official prisons and other secret detention centers.
The HRLHA calls upon the Ethiopia Government to refrain from systematically eliminating the young generation of Oromo nationals and respect all international human rights standards in general, and of civil and political rights of the citizens it has signed in particular. HRLHA demands that the Ethiopian Government unconditionally release those most recent as well as other political detainees.
HRLHA also calls upon governments of the West, all local, regional and international human rights agencies to join hands and demand the immediate halt of such kinds of extra-judicial actions against one’s own citizens, and release the detainees without any preconditions.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to the Ethiopian Government and its concerned government ministries and/or officials as swiftly as possible, both in English and Ahmaric, or your own language:
  • Expressing concerns regarding the apprehension and fear of torture of the citizens who are being held in different detention centers including the infamous Ma’ikelawi Central Investigation Office; and calling for their immediate and unconditional release;
  • Requesting to refrain from detaining, harassing, discriminating against Oromo the Nationals
  • Urging the Ethiopian authorities to ensure that these detainees would be treated in accordance with the regional and international standards on the treatment of prisoners
  • Also send your concerns to diplomatic representatives in Ethiopia who are accredited to your country.
Office of Prime Minister of Ethiopia
P.O.Box – 1031, Addis Ababa
Telephone – +251 155 20 44; +251 111 32 41
Fax – +251 155 20 30 , +251 1552020
Office of Min. of Justice
PO Box 1370, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Fax: +251 11 5517775; +251 11 5520874
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: + 41 22 917 9022 (particularly for urgent matters) E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
African Commission on Human and Peoples‘ Rights (ACHPR)
48 Kairaba Avenue, P.O.Box 673, Banjul, The Gambia.
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ethiopia’s Court Sentences Oromo Political Prisoners

D4DDEFD500A84CBEA8925D81A48CAF5C-3098104_p9January 7, 2014 (CNN iReport) — Ethiopian Federal Court gave a prison sentence to an Oromo nationalist and political prisoner from three to twelve years in prison.The defendants were arrested in 2010 and were accused of being members or sympathizers of the Oromo Liberation Front, or OLF, which the government considers to be a terrorist group.
Most of the prisoners are members of Oromo People`s Congress(OPC) and Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement(OFDM).
1. Teshale Bekeshi……..
2. Tirfesa Megersa……..Oromo People`s Congress
3. Mulatu Abdissa………. 
4. Wegayehu Dejene…..
5. Bulcha Sori Guyu…….Oromo People`s Congress
6. Gutu Mulisa……………Oromo People`s Congress
7. Asfaw Angaso……….Oromo People`s Congress
8. Mezgebu Debela…..
9. Itana Senbeto……..Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement
10. Taddese Gelalcha….Oromo People`s Congress
11. Waqgari lechisa…….Oromo People`s Congress
12. Gurmesa Fufa………Oromo People`s Congress and others oromo nationalist sentences from 3 to 12 years.